
The Centre for Energy Research (CER) was established in September, 2010 in United International University under the Department of EEE. The aim of the CER is to enhance research in the fields of renewable and sustainable energy, its utilization and efficient management, and policy formulation through research and development. A state of art research laboratory is being developed under CER to carry out test and research in the field of renewable energy.

Centre for Energy Research (CER) of United International University has become one of the leading Renewable Energy research and consultancy centres in Bangladesh. So far, it has successfully conducted about 100 projects since its establishment in September 2010 on Renewable Energy and the Environment. Among this number, it has successfully completed about 50% projects and rests are ongoing. Currently, it is working in design and development of several solar diesel hybrid mini-grid for rural electrification, grid connected PV power plant and environmental projects.

CER is also one of the testing institutions of Solar Home System (SHS) equipment in Bangladesh for certification of SHS equipment according to Bangladesh SHS standard. As of now, it has tested over 250 equipments (LED lamp, Charge controller, DC-DC converter, Battery) in its lab.

Research Achievements:

  1. Development of a novel dry fabrication process steps for CIGS thin film solar cell with In2S3 as buffer layer. This process enabled best performances in terms of efficiency for CIGS solar cells at the time. [ZSW, Germany, 2006].
  2. Conceptualize, design, and develop a high efficiency advanced EM energy converter for automotive applications. The project was developed for IEEE- International Future Energy Challenge in IIT, USA (IFEC-2009 [The Project was one of the three finalist projects for IEEE-IFEC 2009 in Chicago, USA][Supervisor]
  3. Development of Solar PV peer-to-peer smart village grid, which includes enery trading among the connected households with or without SHS. [WB funded research project]. The project won the “InterSolar Award 2016“ in the catagory of “Outstanding Solar Projects“ in Munich, Germany. The project also won the UN Momentum for Change 2016 Award [Team Leader and Principal Investigator of research project funded by IDCOL]
  4. Development of Automatic solar PV irrigation system measuring the moisture content of soil and water level with prepayment and remote control and monitoring system (World Bank funded research project).[Team Leader and Principal Investigator]. The project won the Inter-University Innovation Project Award” in “National Power & Energy Week 2016” organized by Ministrty of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, Bangladesh.

Winning the “UN Momentum for Change, 2016” Award at UNFCCC COP 22 @ Marakech, Morocco (November, 2016).

Winning the “Inter University Innovative Project Competition” organized by Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, Bangladesh

Winning “InterSolar Award 2016” in Munich, Germany (June, 2016)

Research Partners:



Sl No Name of the Institution/Organization Logo/Website
1 University of California at Berkeley, USA  
2 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA  
3 Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore, Singapore  
4 Technical University of Berlin, Germany  
5 University of Oldenburg, Germany  
6 University of Ulm, Germany  

University of Oxford, UK



Notable projects of CER:


(1)    Project: Development of Solar-Diesel Hybrid Minigrids for off grid area electrification

Financier: Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL)Major project feature: Feasibility study, Design, supervision of construction, testing and commissioning of solar hybrid mini-grids

SN. Capacity


Location Sponsor Status
              i.        1. 141 Paratoli Union, Raipura, Narshingdi Shouro Bangla Ltd., Central road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Completed


             ii.        2. 141 Gorgori union, Bhaga, Rajshahi Hydron Bangladesh (Pvt.) Ltd. 86 Naya Paltan, Dhaka, Bangladesh Completed


              iii. 100 Dhurung Bazar, Kutubdia, Cox’s Bazar Green Housing and Energy Ltd.,

DIT Merul Badda, Dhaka, Bangladesh



            iv.        3. 158 Dakdohora Narayanpur, Nagashwari Kurigram. Gramer Alo, House- 1A/2, Road # 07, Gulshan-1, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh Completed


             v.        4. 177 Monpura, Bhola Solar Electro Bangladesh Ltd. H- 292, R- 19/B, Mohakhali DOHS, , Dhaka. Completed

( 2016)

            vi.        5. 149 Char Asaridaha, Godagari,  Rajshahi. Ava Development Society, Gopalpur, Lalpur, Natore. Completed

( 2015)

           vii.        6. 210 Chilmari-Char, Daulatpur, Kushtia Parasol Energy Limited, 5 Mohakhali C/A,  Dhaka, Bangladesh. Completed


            viii. 242 Baghutia, Doulotdia, Manikgonj Super Star Renewable Energy Ltd.

Segun Bagicha, Ramna, Dhaka, Email:



              ix. 130 RupsharChor, Mesra Union, Sirajgang, SolarGao, Suite- 501, H- 24, R- 14, Block- G, Niketon, Dhaka Completed


             x.        7. 247 Char Sholmari, Rowmari, Kurigram. Uttaranchal renewable Energy Ltd. (UREL), H- 20, R- 01, Mirpur, Dhaka On going

(Dec., 2014 –  )

            xi.        8. 175 Monnia chor, Belghasa, Islampur, Jamalpur VGL Solution Ltd. 223 Tejgaon I/A, Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka Completed


             xii. 162 North Channel, Kotoali thana, Faridpur. Taurus Energy Limited, Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan, Dhaka On going

(May, 2015 – )

    xiii.        0. 200 Nijhum Dwip, Hatiya, Noakhali Intraco group, Suhrawardy Avenue, Baridhara, Dhaka On going

(May, 2015 –  )

            xiv. 218 GasChapri,Bordhul, Belchuchi, Sirajgang Uddipan Energy Ltd. Baitul Aman Tower, Ring road, Adabor, Dhaka Completed


             xv. 156 Poshchim Shalipur, Char Bhadrashan, Faridpur. Uddipan Energy Ltd. Baitul Aman Tower, Ring road, Adabor, Dhaka Completed


          xvi.        2. 240 PurbaShalipur, Char Bhadrashan, Faridpur. Ananda PowerTech Ltd.

79/E Banani ChairmanBari, Dhaka-1213

On going

(Oct. 2015 –  )

           xvii. 218 Kodalkathi, Char Rajibpur, Rajibpur, Kurigram Connectia Limited

H-9, R- 33, Gulshan-1, Dhaka.

On going

(Nov. 2015 –  )

          xviii. 518 Charchenga, Hatiya, Noakhali RIMSO Foundation, 16/10 Rankin street, Wari, Dhaka, Bangladesh On going

(March, 2016 – )

            xix. 250 Larngutia, Mehendiganj, Barisal Renewable Technology Solutions Ltd. 67/B Indira Road, Dhaka. On going

(Oct, 2015 –  )

             xx. 250 Nischintapur Union, Kazipur Upazilla, Sirajganj Envis Energy Ltd.

H- 9, R- 9, Sector- 9, Uttara, Dhaka



            xxi. 210 Lesragonj, Horirampur, Manikgonj Arko Energy Ltd.

H- 74B , R- 7A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka.

On going

(Jan., 2016 –  )

           xxii. 250 JoyBangla & Noapara bazar, Naria, Shariatpur Solar Electro Bangladesh Ltd. H- 292, R- 19/B, New DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka. Completed


          xxiii. 250 Kachikat, Zinking bazar, Vedorgong, Shariatpur Solar Electro Bangladesh Ltd. H- 292, R- 19/B, New DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka. Completed


          xxiv. 250 Char-Atra bazar of Naria, Shariatpur Solar Electro Bangladesh Ltd., H- 292, R- 19/B, New DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka. On going

(Feb., 2016 – )

           xxv. 250 South Khatiamari, Fazlupur, Fulchari, Gaibandha Brit Bangla Trade & Investment Ltd (BBTIL), H- 41, Dhaka Housing, Adabor, Shamoly, Dhaka On Going

(May, 2016 – )

  xxvi. 250 BoroChar, Motlob (North), chandpur Centre for Renewable Energy Services Ltd., 68/D/1 East Rayer Bazar, Dhaka On Going

(June, 2016 – )

   xxvii. 250 Ghorjan, Chowhali, Sirajganj Impressive GreenTech Ltd. (IGTL)

46 Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka

On Going

(June, 2016 – )

xxviii. 250 CharPaka, Shibganj, ChapaiNawabganj, Eastec Ltd (EAL),

47 Dilkusha Commercial Area, Dhaka



  xxix. 250 Saint Martin, Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar Blue Marine Energy Limited

Lal Bhaban, 18 Rajuk Avenue, Dhaka

On Going

(July, 2016 – )

   xxx. 250 Tengrakandi, Phulchori, Gaibandha Centre for Renewable Energy Services Ltd., 68/D/1 East Rayer Bazar, Dhaka On Going

(July, 2016 – )

  xxxi. 250 KunderChar, Jazira, Shariatpur Exelon Bangladesh Ltd. (EBL),

3/5, Block-C, Lalmatia, Dhaka

On Going

(July, 2016 –  )

 xxxii. 320 Urir Char, Sandwip, Chittagong Engreen Ltd., 13/5 Block- A, Aurangzeb Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka On going

(October, 2016 – )



ShouroBangla 141kWp Solar Mini-grid at Paratali island of Narshingdi District



Hydron 141kWp Solar Mini-grid in Gorgori Island of Rajshahi District


Environmental and General Projects

Sl. Name of Project Client Status
1. Bangladesh Energy and Emission Modeling (BD 2050) Ministry of Power Energy and Mineral Resources of GoB Cardiff University, UK Ongoing
2. Bangladesh Delta Plan (BDP2100) Ministry of Planning of GoB and Netherlands Ongoing.




Contract signing ceremony with IDCOL for DC mini-grid laboratory


Recently, Centre for Energy Research (CER) of United International University (UIU) has been awarded by a research grant of 1 crore and 10 lac taka to establish a solar DC mini-grid laboratory from World Bank through Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL). This solar DC mini-grid laboratory will be able to contribute in the development of solar PV technology. Researchers of CER consider that DC mini-grid can replace the conventional solar AC mini-grid which will not only reduce the project cost also reduce the dependency on foreign technology and imported equipment significantly. In addition, this will also create opportunity to introduce local technology and equipment. However, apart from its predominant purpose, the laboratory can also play a significant role for researching in different technical aspects of conventional AC mini-grid.

On 20 November a contract has been signed between IDCOL and CER in this regard. The Chief Executive Officer of IDCOL Mr. Mahmud Malik and the Director of CER Mr. Shahriar Ahmed Chowdhury have signed for their organizations. The signing ceremony was witnessed by Honorable Advisor of Ministry of Power Energy and Mineral Resources Dr. Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury B.B. and the Vice Chancellor of UIU Prof. M. Rezwan Khan along with some other high official of Power Division and IDCOL.


Architectural design of DC mini-grid laboratory